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How do I pair a replacement device?Updated 4 months ago

I've attached some steps below on setting up your new replacement charm.

1- Please open your invisaWear app.

2- Click on the three gold horizontal lines in the top left corner.

3- Go to the 'Connect Device Page'

4- Select, 'Add Device' and press and hold the back of your invisaWear charm while the app is scanning for your device. You will receive a pairing request notification, please select 'Pair'. 

5- Once paired, you will receive a notification to 'Name the Device Title'. When you are done naming device, select 'Next' at the bottom of the page.

6- You will now be on the Place Test Alert Page. Once there, follow the directions on the screen to place a test alert to ensure the device was paired properly.

7- When done testing, please select 'End Testing'.

Friendly Reminders:

In order for your phone to recognize the Bluetooth® signal sent from the invisaWear app, the app has to be running on your phone (doesn't need to be on the screen, just running in the background) so please don't force close out of it.

If you have an iPhone, you can leave the app running in the background just please make sure you don't double tap the home button and swipe up on it. If you have an Android, when you leave the app, please tap the square menu button not the arrow. The arrow causes you to close the app.
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